Posts Tagged ‘bill of rights’

Here We Go Again!

September 3, 2023

Well, they’re about to pull the whole PLAGUE WILL KILL YOU ALL thing again. Here is something important, and it is real. Here goes:

Why, if the shots are a vaccine that gives immunity, must people who got the shots wear a face diaper? There is a reason, but neither the CDC nor Fauci want people to know. As useless as we know the shots are, they are even worse because the “immunity” they stimulate does not include the IgA antibody and that is important.

“Immunoglobulin A (IgA), one of the five primary immunoglobulins, plays a pivotal role in mucosal homeostasis in the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts, functioning as the dominant antibody of immunity in this role,” says the NIH.

Meaning NO IgA, no antibodies in the nose and throat. Zip. Nada. If you had COVID-19, then you DO have IgA, so the people who survived, over 98% of all who got sick, have REAL protection where it counts. With no “side-effects” like, oh, cardiac arrest.
The STATS support this survival rate:


The numbers show 1.085% mortality.
98.915% survived.
We. Were. Played. For. Suckers.
And now the Biden Administration is doing it all over again.

And as to masks, they knew LONG ago that masks were pointless. This is from May of 2020, in the New England Journal of Medicine:

“Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”

So don’t tell me the whole mask/shot thing isn’t a scam.

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The Poison of Democrats

August 19, 2023

I need to refine a thought:
I have often noted about democrats, and their own words confirm the accuracy of my observation, that democrats only care about an issue if NOT caring about that issue will hurt their election chances.
The nuance here stems from the undeniable fact that this attitude tracks back to The Clintons and their corrupt Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) with its “anything for a vote pandering.” The democrats soon found themselves infected by the Clintons and the infection lingers to this day. Christopher Hitchens rightly noted many years ago: “Clintonism poisons everything it touches.”
Under the Clinton DLC thrall, the democrats turned into pure JOE McCARTHY demagogues who specialize in the deliberate demonization of “the other.”

Lost In The Past

Elderly Baby Boomers, those born before 1952, have McCarthyism imprinted on their brain. For them, The Red Scare, with its DUCK AND COVER drills and hatred of all things Russian represents a nostalgic time from the flower their long dead youth, even though the United States and the USSR stood together as WW2 allies, with the Soviets chiefly responsible for the defeat of Hitler as well as the surrender of Japan.

Same goes for their slightly older siblings, doddering imbeciles like Bernie Sanders, who oddly enough carries both McCarthyism and a longing for the ways of the old USSR.

Bill Clinton kicked it all off when he demonized a small-time female (they HATE women) rap performer – and the now-bloodthirsty party took it from there. Now, decades later, nothing can save the party short of amputating that sick group of people –  people who vote not on the merits of issues, but out of hate and an overarching need to stay in power. If supporting an issue will win, then they support it. If opposing an issue will win, then they will oppose it. This flexibility completely ignores the issue itself, and relies on opinion polls. For the modern democrat, neither issues, nor the Constitution matter and no laws will stop them in their lust for power. Their actions show that they view the Bill of Rights as an antiquated relic that gets in their way.

The top hallmark of Clintonism manifests itself as blind obedience. Note their rallying cry: Vote Blue No Matter Who. Second to obedience comes fear-mongering. Russiagate ring a bell? That began, leaked emails show us, as a “brilliant” idea from the Clinton campaign to excuse their loss of the presidency to a TV Game Show Host. Now they rally around fear of China, one of America’s three biggest trading partners. Without Chinese factories, in fact, you probably could not read this essay.

Joe Biden, as we have seen for years, has earned the title of a perfect Clintonite. To keep voters ANGRY and divided, this old man constantly goes out of his way to dredge up horrible racist crimes from 70 to 100 years ago. Everyone he disagrees with he equates to BULL CONNOR or GEORGE WALLACE – names that have zero relevance today. And they both belonged to the democrat party, but Biden will never say that. For Biden’s go-to crime of the century he dwells on the killing of Emmett Till; a murder from 68 years ago, this month. So watch Biden give a speech about that, later this month, purely designed to reignite the embers of hate and fear.

Only one thing drives today’s democrats: a lust for power. They will do anything to hold on to it. And they think nothing or lying and cheating to achieve their ends.

Pelosi and the Armenian Voters

I remember back when Nancy Pelosi ran for another term. To win votes, she promised the elderly Armenian population in her district – people who had survived the 1915 Turkish Genocide – that she will, upon reelection, pass a bill recognizing the atrocities they endured at the hands of the Ottoman Empire; something the US government has steadfastly ignored over the years. Based on this promise from Pelosi, the Armenians and their descendants voted for her, happy that at long last their cause would have a champion. Pelosi won. And then, she sprang into action, issuing a statement supporting a bill to recognize the genocide, but added what I can only call the Mating Cry of the democrats; their all-purpose alibi for ignoring their promises: “This is not the right time to do it.” The right time never came, of course, and the survivors all died without any hope of the government helping them – or at the very least acknowledging them.

Sneaky Schumer Shafts Manchin

For a more modern example, look back just one year ago when the elderly Charles Schumer promised equally old Joe Manchin a host of goodies in exchange for Manchin supporting Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (which this month Biden admitted he had deliberately misnamed in order to sneak in a Green New Deal). Once the bill had passed, solely because of Manchin’s vote, Schumer failed to keep his end of the bargain, saying… you guessed it… “the time is not right.”

How To Deal With Democrats… And Survive

Years ago, I knew a young man who worked for an influential democrat. Everyone in the district loved the young man, but his boss, the democrat, wanted to give his job to his nephew, a suspended lawyer. The man agreed to resign, if the democrat met certain terms. His boss agreed to all of them, including a new job for the man. “So when shall I announce your resignation?” the democrat asked. “As soon as you deliver on all your promises,” the young man answered, “and not a minute sooner.” This left the democrat flabbergasted, but he had put himself between a rock and a hard place leaving him only one way out: keeping his promises. The democrat grew furious! Keep his promises? Ha! But keep them he did because he had no choice. Once the young man got everything the democrat had promised him, he quit. And there you have the only way to deal with democrats. Anything less amounts to suicide.
The lying and cheating and sense of entitlement of today’s democrats presents  the real problem in America and it ALL tracks right back to the Clintons. Their ascendency in the party provides the exact moment that democrats threw away the mantle of classic liberalism and abandoned the working class, all in the name of clinging to power so they can feed their anger and need for revenge against anyone who in any way had crossed them. All while pocketing millions on the side through bullshit “foundations.” And the fools who chant VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO throw away the only power they have. They enable this. They caused all this. And they will never see it.

Cuomo Getting Even

From The Current Issue Of THE NEW YORKER. It SURPRISES Them That Cuomo Wants Revenge? He’s A DEMOCRAT, Isn’t He. Res Ipsa Loquitur, Sweetie…

FEAR BOOK 2023 smaller



June 24, 2023

Man, are conservative “pundits” pissed off! Especially those who worked for Trump.

In a case about illegal aliens, the US Supreme Court sided with Biden.

How COULD THAT have happened????


TWO questions came before the court in this issue: Does a President have the constitutional authority to regulate immigration? (Short answer: YES. Immigration is a Presidential matter) and do the states suing the President have STANDING to sue? (Short answer: Probably not)
As far as the Supreme Court is concerned, there are NO other issues.
The Supreme Court does not decide if a law is good or bad.
They don’t decide if a law is right or wrong.
They don’t decide if a law is fair or unfair.
Only if it is constitutional.


The above is why the Dred Scott case was RIGHTLY decided. The Constitution at the time made slavery LEGAL, thus CONSTITUTIONAL. And that is ALL that the court considers.
For things to change, the Constitution had to be changed. As the Scott decision’s commentary also notes: “It is not the province of the court to decide upon the justice or injustice, the policy or impolicy, of these laws.”
And while we’re at it, that decision did NOT say that Black people “had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.” That is mentioned in the decision AS SOMETHING MANY PEOPLE APPARENTLY BELIEVED AT THE TIME. But it was not part of the ruling; it was in the commentary.


From a recent FORBES article on the pending (at this writing) Student Debt relief case:
Standing is the legal concept that in order to challenge a federal law, rule, or policy, a party has to show that they would be harmed by it. And that harm must be sufficiently concrete and directly tied to the challenged rule or statute.
Injuries that are too speculative, disconnected from the challenged policy, or not redressable through the relief being sought are not sufficient to confer standing. A party also generally does not have standing if they file a lawsuit based on a harm incurred by someone else (this is sometimes referred to as third-party standing). And there are special considerations when states are the ones bringing a legal challenge. Ultimately, without standing, a party cannot sue and is not entitled to the relief they are trying to obtain
But attorneys for the government pointed out during February oral arguments before the Supreme Court that MOHELA is, by statute, legally and financially independent of the state of Missouri. MOHELA has authority to sue, and be sued, in its own name, and has only a relatively minimal financial connection to the state treasury.
At the Supreme Court hearing last February, four justices — including Trump appointee Amy Coney Barrett — made comments suggesting that the challengers may not have standing.
The decision was correct. The policy may be loathsome, but again:
“It is not the province of the court to decide upon the justice or injustice, the policy or impolicy, of these laws.”

A Short Post Today…

April 28, 2023


For Consideration

2023 Essay Book

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What Does “Hunter” Own?

February 3, 2023

Pery Mason

While there is no doubt that the now-famous MAC repair guy in Delaware owns the abandoned laptop (which Robert “Hunter” Biden’s famous lawyer accidentally admitted belonged to Biden – a slip-up the lawyer later retracted) does that mean the repair guy owns the laptop’s content? And if so, what rights does he have to that content?

I decided to delve into this issue. At great personal expense, I have consulted a retired lawyer, a defense lawyer, a prosecutor, and an experienced legal mediator. She’s sitting here looking at me right now…

So here is how it seems to work. If, say, you pay tens of thousands of dollars to buy a stash of letters from, oh, Ernest Hemingway, what did you buy? You bought the physical letters, but that does NOT entitle you to claim ownership of the words, the content of those letters, and so you may not legally publish them without the permission of the author or the author’s estate. One may not even DISPLAY these letters because that amounts to a form of publishing. If you shell out millions for the original manuscript of The Green Mile, yes you now own it. But you do NOT own the words. Stephen King retains authorship. You have shelled out big bucks for the world’s largest paper-weight. Now suppose you have acquired, legally, a neglected Stephen King laptop with the manuscript on it. Do you now own the book and all the rights to it?

Hunter Belmondo copy 2

Have I Used This Image LEGALLY? I Mean, Do I Have The Legal Right To Use Jean-Paul Belmondo’s image? How About FAIR USE For Commentary/Satire? Not So Easy, eh?

And that presents the legal question in this case. Did the new owner of the material have PUBLICATION RIGHTS? Because he has, as we all know, spent a couple of years spreading the content of the laptop all over the place, as have many news reporters. Do they have the legal right to broadcast, meaning PUBLISH, the contents? That awaits litigation. Of course, we may never see litigation concerning that issue. The Biden side, in this case, has a hell of a lot more to lose than the Computer Guy does. The legal consensus in my private poll says that Biden would have to be an absolute moron to pursue this. But then, the apple doesn’t rot far from the tree, now does it…
And no, despite the legal geniuses on social media, there is no such case as FINDERS v. KEEPERS.

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In Case You Didn’t Know…

December 4, 2022

beard announcement



All I Will Say About Abortion…

June 24, 2022

Don’t like your state laws? WORK TO CHANGE THEM.
Lobby legislators.
Lobby the Governor.
PRIMARY all those with whom you disagree.
That’s called… DEMOCRACY.
Also, work to get a proposition on the ballot so citizens can vote on it. The Bill of Rights states that we have that power.
The SCOTUS abortion decision adheres to the 10th Amendment which puts this in the hands of The People.

tenth amendment
The power is at long last removed from the courts and resides, quite properly, with The People.
This is precisely why Ruth Bader Ginsberg disliked Roe as a decision. She felt it eliminated political solutions and so it cut out The People.
The ball is in YOUR court now…
PRO choice? ANTI choice?

Here’s the real CHOICE:


I'm Mad About Something I never Researched

Ballot Abortion

biden THEN


biden now


Why Does Biden HATE Free Speech?

May 25, 2022

Why Is This Man Smiling?

So… according to Pres. Biden it’s THE GUN LOBBY’S fault? Lobbying is a FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT. I have done it. Many people I know have done it. Just not as “professionals.”

Why are DEMOCRAT “liberals” going after FREEDOM “to petition the government for a redress of grievances” as the Constitution demands?

Here is why:

The National Rifle Association happily offers politicians “crisis management” at times like this.

What the NRA desperately wants is for our attention to be focused on them – because they give politicians cover.

Focusing on the NRA is a blunder.

And it is exactly what the NRA wants.

They take the heat because there is nothing we can do about them.

Forget the NRA.

We have no influence over the NRA.

They are a private organization.

Concentrating on them is a waste of energies.

We don’t have a constitutional right to oust their board or to even picket their offices.

They are the lightning rod to protect the people we CAN oust and the people we CAN picket: elected officials.

We DO have the power to do that.

Go where the power is.

Every two years who do we vote for?

The whole House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate.

We do NOT vote for NRA leaders. They are not accountable to the People.

The more people who focus on the NRA the less they pay attention to the real power: congress.



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The classic 1919 book now reissued with new introductions by noted Occultist Rev. E.M. Camarena, PhD. There is no reason to live your life in fear! Wake up to the way orthodox religion & Other “Powers That Be” control the population THROUGH FEAR! An invaluable treatise, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to lead a free, independent life. A life WITHOUT FEAR! While some people will no doubt be offended and shocked by this book’s stance against organized religion seeking to control our lives, while those who use fear themselves will attempt to squelch this book, by misrepresenting the contents and belittling it, this book bravely exposes the way the manipulators of fear seek to hold onto power by any means necessary. Beware of those who would mislead you about this! Fear is all they have and they will use fear to stop YOU from reading this liberating book. The new introduction puts the book in its historical context and shows why it is still relevant today.

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One More Time, With Feeling…

May 3, 2022

I Told You So

Why does one noted politician think it is right to say things like this:
☞ The decision to have an abortion is between “a young woman, her family, her physician and pastor.”
Her PASTOR? Really?
☞  Abortion is “a sad, even tragic choice to many, many women. There is no reason why government cannot do more to educate and inform and provide assistance so that the choice guaranteed under our constitution either does not ever have to be exercised or only in very rare circumstances.”
What good is a right if it is NOT exercised?
Who says that about ANY OTHER right?
Freedom of Speech should “
not ever have to be exercised or only in very rare circumstances.”

☞ Abortion should be “safe, legal and rare, and by rare I mean rare.”
Will there be an acceptable National Abortion Quota?
Would any other right be so easily and glibly dismissed?
Free speech should be safe, legal and rare, and by rare I mean rare.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness should be safe, legal and rare, and by rare I mean 
Here is another comment from a politician. Do you support this view?
☞ “I for one respect those who believe with all their heart and conscience that there are no circumstances under which abortion should be available.”
Our politician had THIS exchange with an anti-choicer:
☞ “I know you’re pro-choice, but you have indicated that you would like to reduce the number of abortions. Could you see yourself, with millions of voters in a pro-life camp, creating a common ground, with the goal ultimately in mind of reducing the decisions for abortion to zero?”
The politician nodded, telling attendees of the nationally televised event: “Yes, yes.”
This politician also said THIS about wanting to END ABORTION if the republicans ALLOW her:
☞ “I am where I have been, which is that if there’s a way to structure some kind of constitutional restriction that takes into account the life of the mother and her health, then I’m open to that. But I have yet to see the Republicans willing to actually do that, and that would be an area, where if they included health, you could see constitutional action.”
When they say rare – they mean NEVER.
And who said these things?
SHE did: the last time she ran for president. And lost.

In case you haven’t noticed, many highly paid people are working full-time to SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU. There’s always ONE MORE THING to keep us in a PANIC.


Fuck Fear for web

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The classic 1919 book now reissued with new introductions by noted Occultist Rev. E.M. Camarena, PhD. There is no reason to live your life in fear! Wake up to the way orthodox religion & Other “Powers That Be” control the population THROUGH FEAR! An invaluable treatise, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to lead a free, independent life. A life WITHOUT FEAR! While some people will no doubt be offended and shocked by this book’s stance against organized religion seeking to control our lives, while those who use fear themselves will attempt to squelch this book, by misrepresenting the contents and belittling it, this book bravely exposes the way the manipulators of fear seek to hold onto power by any means necessary. Beware of those who would mislead you about this! Fear is all they have and they will use fear to stop YOU from reading this liberating book. The new introduction puts the book in its historical context and shows why it is still relevant today.

Welcome To 1984… YOU Asked For It, Biden Voters

April 30, 2022

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