A New LOW For The NY Times…

Who The Hell’s Gonna Read
The Second Paragraph?

Second Paragraph


Ok. I am ANGRY. Thoroughly angry. I write these words in New York, the self-proclaimed EPICENTER of the Covid-19 outbreak. So would it surprise you to know that based on the latest numbers (April 1, 2020) out of ALL the people here only TWO GODDAMN FIFTHS OF ONE FUCKING PERCENT have tested positive for CORONAVIRUS?
Showing not just his lack of basic math skills but an appalling lack of vocabulary, New York City’s Mayor, one Bill DeBlasio (neé Warren Wilhelm) calls the Big Apple “The Epicenter of America’s Epicenter.” The City-Wide rate of infection? Also TWO GODDAMN FIFTHS OF ONE FUCKING PERCENT.

Additionally, we recently learned that the little elderly man suddenly everyone’s hero, Anthony Fauci, has been lying in public about Coronavirus. He has a PRIVATE position and a PUBLIC position. We’ve heard that before… While Fauci solemnly issues dire predictions of gloom and doom to satisfy the FEAR PORN requirements of TV news, he’s been giving much less ominous stats to medical journals – read by a small fraction of the public:
Fauci Lies

QUOTE: Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has repeatedly cited more jarring figures in public. For instance, Fauci declared in March 11 congressional testimony that the current coronavirus “is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu,” which would be about 1 percent. His testimony generated news headlines that blared across the internet and television news, and it remains frequently cited today.
But among his learned colleagues in academia, he has provided the more conservative analysis.
“[T]he case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%,” Fauci wrote in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on March 26. “This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.” 

You got that? Remember, Fauci is just shy of 80 years old. Doctors from his generation were DELIBERATELY TRAINED to scare people so they will, in desperation, LISTEN TO AND FOLLOW THE DOCTOR’S ADVICE. They are the same old people who were trained to HIT grown people just before administering an injection. That was supposed to dull the pain of the needle but it was a power trip. How are TWO pains medically better than ONE pain? And I will leave aside what the newly-“woke” idiots don’t know about this wicked midget: HE IS STILL SEETHING OVER NOT HAVING GOTTEN A NOBEL PRIZE FOR HIS SLIPSHOD WORK IN THE AIDS CRISIS. 

So all this media panic is counter-productive AND LETHAL. Fear and Stress STOP THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Scaring people IS THE SINGLE WORST THING WE CAN DO NOW.
Why does MEDIA scare people?
One picture speaks a thousand words…


And this bring us to THE NY YORK TIMES

At the Times, they LOVE stories of priests dying from this thing.
Here is TODAY’S dead priest story:
Dead Priest
NOTE: Today’s priest not only weighed over 300 pounds, looking at his picture…

BUT THIRTY-FIVE PARAGRAPHS DOWN – after the obligatory accusation of COVID-19 being RACIST… we learn this about the 49-year old man:
“He suffered from chronic bronchitis but was relatively young, and it did not seem unusual when he developed a cough.”

“Who the hell’s gonna read the second paragraph…”

☞ So an obese man just under 50 years old… who has a chronic respiratory condition SO BAD THAT COUGHING IS NORMAL FOR HIM… USUAL FOR HIM… died after getting an ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE. What the hell did they expect?
And the Times uses this to exacerbate the panic… Just as they did with Italy at the start of this thing.
And the Times KNOWS this or they would not have buried the priest’s medical conditions so far down in the story. That is EVIDENCE OF A GUILTY MIND.
The priest may well have died WITH Novel Coronavirus but it is a stretch to say that he died BECAUSE OF IT.
Jumping up from behind and yelling STICK ‘EM UP at this poor afflicted man would have likely sent him to the hospital in a near-death state.

That is how the media WHIPS UP FEAR. Now here’s the most disgusting part:
For the duration of this disease outbreak – THE TIMES HAS TAKEN DOWN ITS PAYWALL.

The NY TIMES is DELIBERATELY scaring as many people as possible FOR THEIR OWN FINANCIAL GAIN using FALSE INFORMATION even though scaring people is LETHAL.

Damn These Bastards


Pizzarelli Obit

First: “The guitarist and singer John Pizzarelli, his son and frequent musical associate, said the cause was the coronavirus.”

That’s a MEDICAL SOURCE? Would you suspect, perhaps, that this unfortunate man, at age 94, MAY JUST have had some, oh…, underlying health problems? Here’s what we find out ALMOST 20 PARAGRAPHS LATER:

“Mr. Pizzarelli continued to perform into his 90s, even after a stroke and pneumonia led to hospitalizations in 2015 and 2016 and left him debilitated.” – emphasis added

Left. Him. Debilitated.

So a frail man, almost 100 years old, stricken by the ravages of age, falls ill and dies.

Who The Hell’s Gonna Read
The Second Paragraph?

Have these people NO CONSCIENCE?

Say Good-Bye To FEAR:


Click Image To See This Book At AMAZON.COM

In today’s America, fear addiction runs rampant. News media and politicians thrive on creating and sustaining fear. There is no reason to live your life in fear. Wake up to the way orthodox religion & Other “Powers That Be” control the population THROUGH FEAR. An invaluable treatise, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to lead a free, independent life. A life WITHOUT FEAR… Some people will no doubt be offended and shocked by this book’s stance against organized religion seeking to control our lives. This book bravely exposes the way the manipulators of fear seek to continue their hold on us and hold onto their power by any means necessary. The new introduction puts the book in its historical context and shows why it is still relevant today.

Review Excerpt: “This book explains in crystal clarity HOW and WHY unconscionable individuals and organizations saturate others with FEAR every single day. It’s been going on as long as people have been thieves and hungry to steal the freedom and goods of others. We are barraged with FEAR TACTICS daily by those who eagerly take money out of our pockets; usurp the freedom from our lives and keep us as slaves by clouding our thoughts with FEAR.” Read more HERE

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3 Responses to “A New LOW For The NY Times…”

  1. scottross79 Says:

    Well said, as always, Eliot.
    Some of us (and I count you among them), who remember the true “plague years” of the 1980s, have been on to Fauci for decades. Who remembers that he was one of the chief villains in the appalling government response to AIDS? Only those of us who were paying attention because our lives depended on it, or were losing friends and loved ones, or who read the late Randy Shilts’ important book “And the Band Played On.” All Fauci cares about is his sick, overwhelming need to win a Nobel Prize. And now, of course, solely because he has contradicted Trump, the know-nothing, self-proclaimed “woke” faction wants him to run for president. They will elevate, and hold marches for, ANY psychopath if he or she opposes Trump.

    • Rev. E.M. Camarena Says:

      Thank you for your kind words and, more than anything else, your sanity even as you suffer greatly because of the panic.
      Yes, I call it The Sally Yates Effect after an obscure bureaucrat nobody ever heard of before, who suddenly became presidential material after criticizing Trump. Unfortunately, we always need to add (for those with binary lizard brains), that this is not supporting Trump. It is about the fucking TRUTH. I no more wanted Trump as president than I wanted that money-grubbing shrew in the office. Why those two were belched out by the system is the real problem.
      And when I tell the “woke” just stop electing millionaires if you want a government that cares for working people… they invariably say ONLY MILLIONAIRES CAN RUN FOR OFFICE. They never look beyond whoever their TV shows them.
      Fucking idiots…

  2. HERE YESTERDAY… HERE TODAY | Rev. E. M. Camarena's Blog Says:

    […] Where Politics & Religion Meet To Eat!™ « A New LOW For The NY Times… […]

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