The Clintons and Plantation Politics



There is a big swing Sanders will soon take against Clinton and she knows it is coming. Yet I predict she will be compelled to walk right into it; even force Sanders to use it.
Both Clintons cling to the patronizing, condescending, extremely White supremacist notion that Black people in America are either criminals or crime victims, all of whom desperately need help to stand on their own two feet. All Black youth are “inner city” denizens who live “at risk.”
In Clintonian America, Black people seem to have a very narrow range of concerns. When Sunday rolls around and the Clintons inflict themselves on every Black church from New England to the Mason Dixon Line, what do they talk about?
Will they ever take to the pulpit to discuss international trade? Global warming? GMOs? Health care? Regime Change (including Honduras) which the Clintons so love? The decline of the bees, so vital to agriculture? No. The message is always about crime, welfare, and “at risk” youth.
And if, at these events, a few Black persons should have the gall to rise up and show offense – then the Clintons erupt is an orgy of self-congratulation about all the Black people they saved from either a life of crime or from the bullets of criminals.
Here is Bill when challenged by BLM:
“I had an assault weapons ban in it [the crime bill]. I had money for inner-city kids, for out of school activities. We had 110,000 police officers so we could keep people on the street, not in these military vehicles, and the police would look like the people they were policing. We did all that. And [Joe] Biden [then senator and chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee] said, you can’t pass this bill, the Republicans will kill it, if you don’t put more sentencing in it.”
This is how Hillary and Bill always frame their appeal to African Americans.

And when she makes the inevitable strident attack on the Sanders civil rights record, he will take that swing I mentioned above:
Madam Secretary, I refuse to be criticized on the issue of Civil Rights by a former proud Goldwater Girl.

I believe Mrs. Clinton will invite this retort willingly – so that she can then comfortably and conveniently blame her loss on “that one damn Goldwater line Sanders said about me,” and not blame it on the clear fact that people just don’t want her, and don’t like her, and certainly do not trust her.


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